VKB 2.0

Published in 02/05/2018

VKB 2.0 hydronic kits


Buffer tank and accessories

VKB 2.0 units are buffer tanks with accessories, without circulation pump, which are designed to significantly reduce set-up times for conditioning systems and cooling systems.

VKB 2.0 hydronic kits come complete with all the hydraulic components needed for the proper operation of the hydraulic circuit for chilled water distribution. They can be combined with any type of water cooler and heat pump.

These units are made up of an insulated buffer tank, an expansion vessel, a safety valve, a deaerator, fill/drain valves and a manometer.



Capacity range

From 250 to 1500 L

Storage tank arrangement





Hydronic conditioning

Standard equipment

Fill valve, expansion vessel

Accessories on request

Connection kit, electric resistor



Fiorini offers two layouts for the VKB 2.0 buffer tank, standard and on request, ideal to provide solutions that meet various differing needs.


Layout typeDescrizioneEsecuzione
Layout 1Kit idronico, chiller e impianto collegati in serie, quindi portata d'acqua costante in tutto l'impianto. Standard
Layout 2Kit Idronico e Chiller creano il circuito primario, Kit idronico e impianto creano il circuito secondario. Si ottengono così due circuiti con portate indipendenti tra loro.A richiesta


VKB 2.0-Layout 2

VKB 2.0-Layout 1



For the VKB 2.0 hydronic kits, Fiorini has a set of accessories, both standard and on request, available to the customer. These accessories are indispensable in offering quality products that can meet all the customer’s needs.


Accessory typeDescrizioneEsecuzione
1 Flanged connectionsTrasformano le connessioni filettate di serie in connessioni flangiate.Standard
2 Victaulic connectionsTrasformano le connessioni filettate di serie in connessioni victaulic.Standard
3 Electric resistorDisponibili come accessorio resistenze elettriche da 1300W a 4000W.Standard
4 Temperature controlsA seconda dell'esigenza sono disponibili termostati, bitermostati, bitermostati antigelo.Standard
5 FilterFiltro da 1000 micron per proteggere le pompe da eventuali impurità.A richiesta
6 Balancing valvesSopperiscono al bilanciamento del circuito.A richiesta


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