A project in the name of innovation and an ongoing commitment to research and development.
Fiorini has formed a partnership with the Department of Industrial Engineering of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. For the next six months, the project will involve two students on the Master’s degree course in Management Engineering, Nicola Abbati and Luca Ceccaroni, in the analysis of Fiorini’s management and logistical flows.
The students will be guided in their research by Prof. Alberto Regattieri and an in-house project tutor, the COO, Davide Faggi. They will be responsible for analysing the workflows linked to a selection of Fiorini products, drafting reports and statistics related to production in recent years and a proposal for redefining the layout. In formulating the efficiency and optimisation strategies of current production processes, based on the analysis of trends and potential product developments required by the market, the Master’s students will exchange ideas with the management team, namely Tommaso Fabbri, R&D Manager, Roberto Zanelli, Production Manager, Giovanni Zoffoli, Assembly and Warehouse Manager, and our colleagues in charge of other company departments.
This is an invaluable opportunity for the students to put into practice the knowledge that they have acquired while studying at the Faculty of Engineering. Fiorini will be able to benefit from an external and skilled viewpoint to receive feedback and useful tools to respond with increasing efficiency to market demands, both in terms of product quality and production volumes.