Published in 01/12/2020
mounted SET fresh water station for DHW

Mounted SET

Fresh water station for DHW

The Fiorini mounted SET is the complete “plug and play” product to transfer heat from a buffer tank with technical water to water in the domestic network, guaranteeing the instantaneous production of domestic hot water in installations of medium- and large-sized buildings.

The set is made up of a control unit, a highly efficient circulator, heat exchanger in stainless steel AISI 316, panels and base in galvanised and coated steel.

Thanks to the elevated efficiency of the heat exchanger, the SET 2.0 fresh water station for DHW is ideal in heat pump systems or systems with solar panels, which use low temperature (50-55°C) buffer tanks.

The mounted SET unit, with the special electronic control unit that guarantees the set temperature value of the domestic hot water by modulating the flow in the primary circuit, is an innovative, high quality product.

The mounted SET fresh water station for DHW module comes in six sizes: 60, 70, 80, 100, 120 and 200.


Flow range

From 6700 to 22000 l/h

Minimum DHW flow

From 5 to 20 l/min

Maximum DHW flow

From 100 to 400 l/m

Versions available

SET 60/70/80/100/120/200

Electronic control unit version



Instantaneous DHW production



The Fiorini mounted SET fresh water station for DHW has various important advantages that make it a complete, incredibly innovative, highly efficient, high quality product to transfer heat and to produce instantaneous domestic hot water.

The main advantages of the mounted SET unit are:

  • Timely and accurate temperature regulation of the domestic hot water
  • Highly efficient circulation pump (complies with Directive 2005/32/EC) and electronic control of the cycle rate
  • Graphical dashboard display showing the system temperature and the power output
  • Plug and Play installation
  • Insulated pipe fittings to reduce heat loss
  • Management of the domestic water recirculation pump


The MOUNTING SET instant DHW heater is available as a single version (L PRO) which allows the user to configure a variety of functions and define the model using cutting-edge technology

Electronic control of the pump speed
Setting the DHW usage temperature
Impostazione Setting the DHW maximum temperature for a safety shut-off
Controlling any recirculation pump
Managing anti-legionella treatments through thermal shocks
Solar: controlling the solar power system’s circulator
Managing the activation and deactivation of the heat generator
Managing kits in series, the mixing valve kit, the stratification kit
Consumption accounting functions
Anti-limescale protection: if activated, the circulator remains in operation even when the DHW draw has stopped, thereby reducing the formation of limescale
Comfort function: if activated, the heat exchanger is always kept hot, guaranteeing faster operation times


1 SET fresh water station2 Fiorini PFB water storage tank3 Safety group
4 Solar panel5 Thermal solar return6 Additional heating source
7 DHW recirculation pump 8 Cold water bacteriostatic filter

set 2.0


Various accessory kits are available that can be combined with the Fiorini mounted SET fresh water station for DHW. The control unit allows up to 3 digital outputs to be managed. Check the availability of the free outputs and the requirements of the various accessories.

Accessory typeDescrizione
In series connection kitPermette il collegamento in cascata fino a ad un massimo di 8 preparatori istantanei, garantendo una produzione di ACS da un minimo di 2 l/min fino a 800 l/min. Raccomandato in quelle applicazioni in cui la richiesta di acqua calda sanitaria è fortemente variabile.
Recirculation kitControlla tramite diverse programmazioni un eventuale pompa di ricircolo sanitaria
Mixing valve kitRegola la temperatura in ingresso allo scambiatore per maggior comfort e la riduzione di calcare
Deviation valve kitKit esterno per la stratificazione che garantisce il ritorno dell'acqua alla pompa di calore a una temperatura ottimale

